Learning Coordinator:
Jeffrey Holte
Phum Chumposka-ek
St. 112, Sangkat Prekthmey Khan Mean Chey
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Situated in the Cambodian jungle outside Phnom Penh, Liger Leadership Academys' mission is to grow and nurture change agents who are able to change the future of their country.
The school recruits the most talented children from all over Cambodia through a rigorous selection process and provides them with world class education at this jungle-based residential school. At the school children are exposed to all aspects of Cambodia - nature, culture, economy etc - to learn in depth about their country and its challenges. Authoring a book on Cambodian economy, now being distributed to all schools in the country, creating podcasts featuring a wealth of local unrecorded dialects etc, the children engage with real challenges and opportunities, developing and practicing both the leadership skills and the entrepreneurial competencies that are pivotal to the future of Cambodia.
Set up by the Liger Charitable Foundation, founded by Trevor Gile and Agnieszka Tynkiewicz-Gile, Liger is a long-term investment through education of local people to change the path of a developing world nation.
In the words of Margaret Mead, 'never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has'.
Jeff Holte is the Director of Education at Liger. Jeff has devoted his life to create positive and necessary change in the world. Since joining Liger he developing their learning model which combines project-based/opportunity based learning, experiential learning and essential learning.
The Liger Campus
The Liger Campus is situated in the Cambodian jungle and features classrooms, a science lab, music and art areas, sports facilities, gardens and an organic farm. A combination of Cambodian and international teaching staff from the highest educational backgrounds are employed. In most schools here, students are taught by rote, which many experts believe is not an effective way of learning.
Therefore, The Liger Charitable Foundation offers training to outside Cambodian teachers so that they can learn techniques that are more beneficial and accessible for the students’ learning requirements. The children live on-site in dormitories designed in the traditional Khmer style, with live-in Cambodian caregivers. The house parents are instrumental in providing a supportive and healthy environment enabling the children to flourish.
Emerging Change Agents at Liger
Meet some of Ligers promising young talents with great aspirations of creating change in the world. And learn about some of the amazing projects they have already put their minds to.
Emerging Change Agents at Liger
'Taking a child destined to worry about their next meal and creating an entrepreneur employing hundreds of people who never have to worry about theirs'. Learn more about the 'why' behind Liger Learning Center and how it is connected to the future of Cambodia.
The Illustrated Guide to the Wild-Life of Cambodia
Learn about this wonderful student project of Liger. The students have researched the wild-life of Cambodia, publishing their work in a bi-lingual guide book and crowd-sourcing donations towards printing and distributing the book.
Samnang talking at TEDx event
At the age of 13, Samnang from Liger Learning Center talks about life in his province, problems with changing water levels, and creative thinking we need to solve the challenges of our changing environments.